<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/triopsluvr/NoDoubt-HellaGood.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
gwen stafani page!!
i fear the time has come to end my site about celevs.....LOL. just joking i woul enver do that in my life because in my belifes there is not enoufgh sites about celebs. in my mind i  will son make this the best celeb stie on the web!!!! i hope gqwen stefani does no t get mad at me for this pcthcer because i know one time she broke her leg or somehing at a concert. please dont be mad gwen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also i treid to get tihns on my site in tiem for valentimes day but could not! i hope that noboyd is mad at me. you can come here next valentimes aand look at gwen!
back to the stat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!