<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/triopsluvr/Eminem-LoseYourself.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
eminem page!!!!!!!!!!!
eminem is one of my faorivet celebs becaars of this song! i tink it is a good repsesntation of ohw hard it is to be a rapper . one time i had to try to ryme words or this kid was gonna beat me up and i just could not do it. id did not get beat up thoug, becaues the recess beell  rang and we all had to go inside. also in my belifes defentder is one of the hardest games ever!!!!!!!!! i ran out of room to draw his legs adn relized that godzilla has really short legs so i had to draw godszillas legs.
back to the srtart room!!!!!!