<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/triopsluvr/Creed-OneLastBreath.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
guy from creed page
one time my dad set me on his knee an dsaid 'triopsluvr i know someday you will make a site about celebs and you can use my internet to do it becuase in my beleifes you sholud give your child whatever it is that he or she desires so they will grow up strong and helthy and wise. the ywill do the world good and in return the world will do good for them and some day they wil have childs of there own and they to will grow up helthy and strong and wise. this chain wil continew until all the trees of theis planet have been harvisted and pople can no longer live on this butiful planet. theywill have to learn that trees are the strongst link in the food chain and respect taht or they will perish.'
go back to teh arartsrt!